At the end of El Dorado (the John Wayne version), James Caan's character is the recipient of good natured ribbing. His reply, as they ride of into the sunset is "I have a host of friends." The line was delivered with the right blend of wit and sarcasm and is one of my favorite lines of any movie and it is also applicable to my life.
My friends run the spectrum of personalities and quirks and fuel different parts of my life an personality. I have a slew of good friends that I rely on to keep me sane, living, out of trouble when necessary, in trouble when it's time, and generally appreciative of life. And then I have a handful of friends that I can count on for anything at any time. They would move mountains for me (and have many times).
It used to bother me that I had unintentionally classified my friends. I've come to realize, however, that it's natural. Not all of my friends can be all things to me. It's a burden that should not be placed on their shoulders. Their job is to fill a niche. Each friend has their unwritten role in my life. Some come in for a specific reason or a short time, others come in, stay awhile and then move on, and some come in, unpack their bags and never leave. You never know which it's going to be. It's kind of the like the prize in the cracker-jack box. You never know what you're going to get, but you know it's gonna be good. I never know how or when I'll have a new friend. Some of my friends have been no-brainer choices, our friendship was obvious and others were unexpected gifts discovered in unexpected places.
My friends run the spectrum of personalities and quirks and fuel different parts of my life an personality. I have a slew of good friends that I rely on to keep me sane, living, out of trouble when necessary, in trouble when it's time, and generally appreciative of life. And then I have a handful of friends that I can count on for anything at any time. They would move mountains for me (and have many times).
It used to bother me that I had unintentionally classified my friends. I've come to realize, however, that it's natural. Not all of my friends can be all things to me. It's a burden that should not be placed on their shoulders. Their job is to fill a niche. Each friend has their unwritten role in my life. Some come in for a specific reason or a short time, others come in, stay awhile and then move on, and some come in, unpack their bags and never leave. You never know which it's going to be. It's kind of the like the prize in the cracker-jack box. You never know what you're going to get, but you know it's gonna be good. I never know how or when I'll have a new friend. Some of my friends have been no-brainer choices, our friendship was obvious and others were unexpected gifts discovered in unexpected places.
One friendship still has the ability to leave me questioning. The fact that we're friends after 33 years still amazes and delights me. But, even though I've known her longer than anyone else, we're total opposites with similar likes and dislikes. Had I been asked on graduation day who I would still be friends with in 30 years, I would not have named her. I expected we would have drifted apart our differences defining us more than our similarities. I have never been happier to be wrong. Ours is an easy friendship with ebbs and flows and yet the unwavering commitment and dedication to each other. And another friendship was gifted to me like a perfect pearl from inside a clam. The shell was hard to crack but held an undeniable treasure. She is my almost-daily connection and compass. I count on her more than she knows even when I don't show it well. Over the years we have developed a bond that allows us to talk about all topics and subjects without recrimination or rejection.
There are those that have special places and roles in my life like family, while others feel like pieces of my soul. And there are those whose company I simply enjoy and others who add peace to my life. There are the bookworm friends, the vegetarian friends, the super mom friend, the cheer mom friend, the mom-of-a-friend friend, the church friends, the knows-all-my-secrets friend, the spiritual friend, the my-twin friend, the school friends, scout friends, PTA survivor friends, the psycho-bitch friend, the neighborhood friends, the long-lost friends, the we-used-to-date-and-I-still-like-you friends, and the very-best-always-supportive-friends.
Each of them fills a different part of my soul. Each is valuable and relied on in different ways. They are all brilliant gems in their own right, but the colors and displays we make when grouped together is the most amazing of any gift I have ever received.
There are those that have special places and roles in my life like family, while others feel like pieces of my soul. And there are those whose company I simply enjoy and others who add peace to my life. There are the bookworm friends, the vegetarian friends, the super mom friend, the cheer mom friend, the mom-of-a-friend friend, the church friends, the knows-all-my-secrets friend, the spiritual friend, the my-twin friend, the school friends, scout friends, PTA survivor friends, the psycho-bitch friend, the neighborhood friends, the long-lost friends, the we-used-to-date-and-I-still-like-you friends, and the very-best-always-supportive-friends.
Each of them fills a different part of my soul. Each is valuable and relied on in different ways. They are all brilliant gems in their own right, but the colors and displays we make when grouped together is the most amazing of any gift I have ever received.
So to all of them I say thank you, I am blessed. I have a host of friends.